**New Site!!**

Due to simple constrictions of this page some of the more critical activity has been diverted to a new webpage.

There you will find the most recent posts, conversations, pics, music, and all other important relevant data.


Together we will create the world we wish to live in and sustain it for our children's emergence. join us!

Thank you,
Tri-City Zeitgeist (MI)

PS."Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful people could change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." -M.Mead.-

What is the Zeitgeist Movement?


We intend to restore the fundamental necessities and environmental awareness of the species through the advocation of the most current understandings of who and what we truly are, coupled with how science, nature and technology (rather than religion, politics, and money) hold the keys to our personal growth, not only as individual human beings but as a civilization, both structurally and spiritually.


We live in a society that produces scarcity. The consequence of this is that human beings must behave in self-preserving ways, even if it means they have to cheat and steal in order to get what they want. The monetary system REWARDS scarcity, waste, pollution, and overproduction.


We must begin to transition out of these oppressive ideals and move towards a system which is designed to support human beings...not force them to fight in order to survive. Our current methods of social conduct have proven to have no chance in resolving the problems of environmental destruction, human conflict, poverty, corruption, or any other issue the reduces the possibility of collective human sustainability on our planet. The bottom line is that in order to change things for the better fundamentally, you must begin to address the root causes. We have to start somewhere. The most important step is education.


Consisting of the life work of social engineer Jacque Fresco, The Venus Project constitutes the application of the scientific method for social concern. Through the humane application of Science and Technology to social design and decision-making, we have the means to transform our tribalistic, scarcity driven, corruption filled environment into something exceeding more organized, balanced, humane, sustainable, and productive.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Meeting Time Change!

The next meeting will still be at the Alice & Jack Wirt Public Library in Bay City but this month it will not be the third Saturday, the 17th. There is not a date set as of now. If there are any date requests please comment to this post. As soon as a date is set an update will be posted.

The first meetings turnout was more than expected, Thanks for the support guys!
During the first meeting a lot was discussed. One of the more important topics to note were the local projects. Local projects included;

-DVD Production
-Possible Public Presentations
-Possible Interviews
(Along with other great ideas :)

There was also a heavy philosophical conversation which I personally love, but due to limited time during meetings these discussions will be carried on at Brewtopia (previously named Harvest)in Bay City. It's within walking distance from the library and provides a comfortable and conversation inducing environment, plus it has great coffee ;)

More information will be available soon. Thanks for the support everyone,
and remember we must "Be the change we wish to see in the world".



  1. I went to the last meeting in Detroit and enjoyed it immensely! They told me you are having meetings in the tri-cities, which is much closer to me (I live in Cass City). I'd love to come to your next meeting and hope you will have one soon. Thanks for being here!


  2. No Problem:) Thank you for being interested!
    I think it goes without saying but your welcome to come. In fact your encourged to come, we are always looking for active members or really just anyone interested.
    But we are still a very small chapter, so it might not be as exciting as the detroit meeting but we will do our best!

    THE NEXT MEETING IS TOMORROW!!! If you can make it that would be awesome, if not no problem. There will always be more:)
    I hope to see you soon. email or comment if you have any questions.



In the current Monetary System profit and the concentration of wealth is an uncompromising motive which is pursued at the expense of human well-being, efficiency, and environmental harmony. War, poverty, disease, scarcity, crime, and corruption are not accidental complications of the current system, but esxpected atrocities due to the nature of our system. Critical observation reveals that our current social and economic system is in direct conflict with our health, progress, and sustainability. We also understand that being critical of the current system without having an underlying direction and solution, is mere complaint. The Zeitgeist Movement and The Venus Project offer both critique and possible solutions, as well as being open to other possibilities to improve life.