**New Site!!**

Due to simple constrictions of this page some of the more critical activity has been diverted to a new webpage.

There you will find the most recent posts, conversations, pics, music, and all other important relevant data.


Together we will create the world we wish to live in and sustain it for our children's emergence. join us!

Thank you,
Tri-City Zeitgeist (MI)

PS."Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful people could change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." -M.Mead.-

What is the Zeitgeist Movement?


We intend to restore the fundamental necessities and environmental awareness of the species through the advocation of the most current understandings of who and what we truly are, coupled with how science, nature and technology (rather than religion, politics, and money) hold the keys to our personal growth, not only as individual human beings but as a civilization, both structurally and spiritually.


We live in a society that produces scarcity. The consequence of this is that human beings must behave in self-preserving ways, even if it means they have to cheat and steal in order to get what they want. The monetary system REWARDS scarcity, waste, pollution, and overproduction.


We must begin to transition out of these oppressive ideals and move towards a system which is designed to support human beings...not force them to fight in order to survive. Our current methods of social conduct have proven to have no chance in resolving the problems of environmental destruction, human conflict, poverty, corruption, or any other issue the reduces the possibility of collective human sustainability on our planet. The bottom line is that in order to change things for the better fundamentally, you must begin to address the root causes. We have to start somewhere. The most important step is education.


Consisting of the life work of social engineer Jacque Fresco, The Venus Project constitutes the application of the scientific method for social concern. Through the humane application of Science and Technology to social design and decision-making, we have the means to transform our tribalistic, scarcity driven, corruption filled environment into something exceeding more organized, balanced, humane, sustainable, and productive.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Dec. 18th Meet

There were some problems with the community room at the library so the meeting was held at Brewtopia.

All in all the meeting went very well, most points covered involved the Tri-City ZMF release and the South East Chapters ZMF release on January 20th @7pm(ET). The South East Chapters ZMF release will be AWESOME!!! All are welcome to go just poll that you will be going at  http://zeitmi.blogspot.com/
Donations are excepted for this event. The S.E. Chapters Coordinator Sean McPherson has paid for this event, about $1,000. So any and all donations are greatly appreciated. Thank you Sean!

The Tri-City Chapters ZMF Showing will be on Jan. 22nd and the Alice and Jack Wirt Public Library in the community room. The event is Free. Starts at 2:30 ends 5:00 roughly.

Special thanks to...
Holly & Sean; Sean for helping with the release.
Thanks guys!

If there are any questions please email me at... tricityzeit@gmail.com

Tri-City Chapter

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Zeitgeist: Moving Forward

:) Fellow Zeitgeisters I am in the process of planning a theatrical release for Zeitgeist: Moving Forward. I will update this post for times and location in the near future. At the bottom of this post there is the official trailer for ZMF, enjoy :)

Zeitgeist: Moving Forward, by director Peter Joseph, is a feature length documentary work which will present a case for a needed transition out of the current socioeconomic monetary paradigm which governs the entire world society.

This subject matter will transcend the issues of cultural relativism and traditional ideology and move to relate the core, empirical "life ground" attributes of human and social survival, extrapolating those immutable natural laws into a new sustainable social paradigm called a "Resource-Based Economy".

THEATRICAL RELEASE - Zeitgeist: Moving Forward is planned to be released in 60+ countries and in 20+ languages starting January 15th 2011. This large scale release is not associated with any major distributor.

DVD/INTERNET RELEASE - This is a non-commercial project, which means it will be available for free acquisition via internet in both viewing form and full DVD download. ZeitgeistMovingForward.com will also have a physical $5.00 DVD available in mid to late January.

WATCH AT... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYLLFpNn4lM

Last meeting went well :)

New projects/Updates:

Mass dvd/News Letter drop offs
More Coffee shop meetings (Bi-weekly)

The additional coffee shop meetings are coming into existence because simply word of mouth and research on the internet combined with coffee are awesome! ;) These meets are very casual and subject to change. This just helps motivation and personal research while also giving room to converse openly about new ideas and concepts.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Meeting 10/16

This months meeting is going at to be at the usual venue. Alice & Jack Wirt Public Library on the first floor in the community room. In Bay City, Saturday the 16th @ 1:00pm

The General outline will be something like...

Local Projects
Zeitgeist: Moving Forward
Zeitgeist News letter (for those who don't already receive it)
Possible handouts of Social Pathology Lecture
Open Discussion

Again walkins are always welcome.

There will be a much more casual talk at brewtopia after the meeting about anything and everything.

Become the Change

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Due to the schedule switch, this months meeting will be @1pm downtown at the Brewtopia cafe.
There is usually a very good atmosphere there and has harbored some of my favorite topics of discussion. Plus GREAT coffee. :)

This meeting will be a much more laid back and casual. Meetings usually they are pretty laid back but this months will be more of a brainstorming/discussion session.
If there any questions, comments or concerns email me or call 989-450-2886
Thank you for your time and,

Become the change.


Saturday, September 11, 2010

Meetings back on track!

Due to a lack in organization the meeting will be bumped back to the usual scheduled meeting time. (Third Saturday of the month)

I again apologize for these schedule changes. I am experiencing time and transportation issues.
There is a fair amount of local project material to review and discuss. :)

For anyone who wishes to hand out dvds, email me the title(s) and basic information and I will supply the rest. If you are in the area and wish to burn your own then just give me a call or send an email. Ill do my best to respond promptly and help.

Become the Change

Monday, August 23, 2010

Schedule Switch

Next months meeting will be on the second saturday of the month, September the 11th.
This is due to the scheduleing problems of August. There sadly will not be a meeting this month. Instead there will be an earlyer meeting in September. (The 11th)
I am sorry if this causing complications for anyone.

The meetings to follow will be the at their same scheduled times.

Thank you for your time and patience
Become the change

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

We've been bumped!!!

Last minute meeting scheduling(by something deemed more important) has bumped our regularly scheduled meet time, so it won't be on Saturday the 21st as planned. Will post a new schedule for this month asap.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Meeting Next Saturday!

This months meeting will be the same time and place. :)
Alice&Jack Wirt Public Library @1:00pm, Saturday (third Saturday of the month) the 17th.

Again all are welcome to come. :)

-Ideas for signs/posters
-Events to pass out dvds
-ZTM-shirt/Tri-City Chapter Ideas
-Online Meetings
-Points of interest for research
-Conversation topics and transitions (A Special Thanks to NoCreator :)

Again all are welcome and encouraged to come. Jake, thank you again for your continued support. :)

See you there!

Become the Change

Saturday, June 19, 2010


I am sorry to say that there will not be a meeting this month. :(
I am very sorry for the late response. The city of Saginaw is trying to destroy my house, so there are some major construction projects that are underway at my home.

again I apologize if this inconveniences anyone.

Next months meeting is still on track! I'm hoping to see Jacob, Mike and some new faces. :)

Thank you for your time and attention, again I am very sorry.

Corey Grandmaison

PS. There is more than enough meteral to cover for next months meeting. :) hope to see you there!

Friday, May 14, 2010

May Meeting...BE THERE!!!

The next meeting will be on the 22nd of this month, Next Saturday! The time and place will be the same. *Bay City* 1:00pm @ Alice and Jack Wirt Public Library, in the community room.

Anyone who wishes to attend is welcomed and encouraged. We would love to see some new faces. Sorry I have not been quick with updates and responses. But e-mail me this week or call if there is something you wish to talk about before attending or at all. Also dont worry about the time, I never sleep. ;)989-450-2886

Also the Zeitgeist Media site is up. CHECK IT OUT!!! Its pretty sweet.

Become the change

PS. The people that attend regularly thank you again for your support and continued dedication.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Meeting this Saturday!

This months meeting will be on the 24th. THIS SATURDAY!@1:00 at the Alice and Jack Wirt Public Library. I hope to see everyone from last time. We will have DVDs and should have some handouts:) There will be a few things to talk about, current local projects and possible new projects. There is a fairly large list of projects that we need help with so if theres nothing on your brain and you want to do something just say. It would be greatly appreciated. Also brainstorming is always welcome and encouraged, so if there is something on your mind that you would like to do or just want to brainstorm about, don't be shy bring it up.

General Outline points:
-DVD Handouts (For personal viewing and distributing)
-Progress of local projects
-Brainstorming for new ideas to spread awareness
-Team Speak
-Open Discussion

Gonz is working on improving the Addendum site so that it can be posted. The Mailing list is not up yet, sorry for the delay. It should be up in the next few weeks. Again sorry for the delay. Much more will be talked about at the meeting. I look forward to seeing everyone from last time and hope to see some new faces. Thank you for your patience.

Cant Wait!
Corey G.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Meeting Time Change!

The next meeting will still be at the Alice & Jack Wirt Public Library in Bay City but this month it will not be the third Saturday, the 17th. There is not a date set as of now. If there are any date requests please comment to this post. As soon as a date is set an update will be posted.

The first meetings turnout was more than expected, Thanks for the support guys!
During the first meeting a lot was discussed. One of the more important topics to note were the local projects. Local projects included;

-DVD Production
-Possible Public Presentations
-Possible Interviews
(Along with other great ideas :)

There was also a heavy philosophical conversation which I personally love, but due to limited time during meetings these discussions will be carried on at Brewtopia (previously named Harvest)in Bay City. It's within walking distance from the library and provides a comfortable and conversation inducing environment, plus it has great coffee ;)

More information will be available soon. Thanks for the support everyone,
and remember we must "Be the change we wish to see in the world".


Thursday, March 18, 2010

Paul Miller/Sean McPherson e-mail

Good day,

My name is Paul Miller and please forgive the impropriety, however I have a request. I am a member of the South Eastern Michigan Chapter of The Zeitgeist Movement http://www.thezeitgeistmovement.com - the activist arm of The Venus Project http://www.thevenusproject.com . The Venus Project which constitutes the life long work of industrial designer and social engineer, Jacque Fresco presents a bold, new direction for humanity that entails nothing less than the total redesign of our culture. There are many people today who are concerned with the serious problems that face our modern society: unemployment, violent crime, replacement of humans by technology, over-population and a decline in the Earth's ecosystems.

My purpose for contacting you is quite simply to ask permission to hold a 2 hour presentation as well as open discussion of which will attempt to shine a sliver of light upon some of the most socially crippling and blindly accepted indoctrinations in human history. The reason I am contacting the Sociology department of your fine institution is simply that Sociology is often defined as "The study of society; human social interaction".

[From the www.zeitgeistmovement.com]

“This field considers social structures, both Cognitive and Material. An example of a Cognitive Social Structure is the established institution of religion and how its operation affects the collective awareness. For instance, Prolife Christians share a disposition that human"life" is a separate element of nature and that killing an unborn fetus is wrong. Concurrently, the competition based monetary system has proponents putting forth ideas such as how competition is the most productive social state that humans can engage in.

Material Social Structures, on the other hand, are very obvious and they exist in the form of corporations and governments, each having a strong influence on society. Of course, all Material Social Structures bleed over into the Cognitive realm, for they always have an ideology behind them.

Now, a common sociological issue has to do with "Human Nature" and its effect in a collective sense. For instance, most people have been taught that human beings are naturally competitive with each other, along with the assumption that social stratification or hierarchy is also a "natural human tendency".

This is a fallacy.

If you look to, say, a pack of lions, you will see social hierarchy and violent competition for food in most cases. This comparison is what leads people to think it is a natural occurrence in human society as well (war, greed, ego, etc.). What is overlooked however, are the Environmental Conditions present in each case. The pack of Lions exist in a world of Scarcity. They do not have the ability to create traps for food, nor is food accessible in an 'on demand' basis. They have to hunt and fight with each other. This creates competition naturally, for in order to survive, the lions MUST be aggressive with each other. In turn, hierarchy is developed for the strongest of these lions wins the most, and in turn exert their dominance in a stratified way.

Likewise, in our current Human Society, the exact same thing is going on. Humans have been living in the same sort of scarcity since the dawn of existence. However, as time has gone on, we have become more and more "civilized" due to our ability to Create. Unlike the Lions, humans are able to create tools and set in motion processes that free the human being from a particular chore or problem, reducing Scarcity.

Given this "insight" we then see that on a fundamental level that if scarcity could be eradicated, then human behavior would undergo a dramatic change, moving away from competition, dominance and stratification.

Likewise, outmoded ideologies that do not stand up to the test of time, such as theistic religion, compound this myth that humans/society are built a certain way. For example, the Catholic ideology states that humans are "born with sin".

This is absurd, outmoded and based on a primitive understanding of human behavior.

There is no difference between a Ghandi baby or a Hitler baby... it is the environment that shapes the person and hence the society (and vice versa).

Therefore, true Sociological change will come from removing the conditions that cause the aberrant behavior patterns which pollute our societies. Prison, Police and Laws are mere patchwork and, in fact, tend to make things worse over time.

Ultimately, it is going to take a redesign of our culture to change human behavior for the better.”

We implore you to allow us a couple of hours to show our presentation, and perhaps learn from one another. Or at the very least take off the blindfold for a few hours and have a frank discussion about the social and monetary driven political climate across this planet.

P.S. I have attached the Orientation Guide of our presentation in the form of a PDF. file.


Paul Miller and Sean McPherson

The Zeitgeist Movement (SE Michigan Chapter)



First Meeting!

The first Tri-City Zeitgeist meeting and many more to come will be at the Alice & Jack Wirt Public Liberary @1-1:30pm, Saturday, March 20th. Each meeting will be on the third Saturday of each month. Updates will be posted in the event of schedule change or venue change.

Well be discussing,
-Local Zeitgeist projects to further awearness
-Paul Miller & Sean McPherson e-mail and presentation
-Possible future public presentations
-New Ideas
-Interview Ideas/Proposels

Hope to see you all there!

"Be the change you with to see in the world".

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

First Post!!

This is the first post of the Tri-City Zeitgeist blog. please forgive my spelling and over all grammar. also i must ask for patience when it comes to updates. my knowledge of this site is very limited as well as me time. thank you for your time and patience.

"Be the change you wish to see in the world."

Corey Grandmaison